Discover What Holds You Back, Your Career Revolution Book Chapter 3

“But what I’m loving about today’s episode is this will set the stage for us to allow all of us to really start digging deeper, to get to the heart of what we truly, really want and clarifying our goals, which, in turn, will then help us identify the best path forward.”
Tamara Loring

Discover What Holds
You Back.


Welcome to the “Discover What Holds You Back, Your Career Revolution Book Chapter 3” podcast episode! In this episode, the hosts Courtney Dyksterhouse, Tamara Loring, and Marissa Frois embark on a deep exploration of the fascinating dichotomy between aspiration and reality. We often yearn for self-sufficiency and financial independence, but why do so few pursue it? Join us as we delve into the mind’s workings, understand why we do what we do, and how it affects our drive towards entrepreneurial freedom.

The hosts take us on a journey to understand the roles of frustration, fear, and financial constraints play in our lives and how we can overcome them. How can we turn frustration into a catalyst for change and growth? As we learn how to confront fear and use it as a stepping stone rather than a roadblock, we’ll be privy to strategies that can help us mitigate financial uncertainties and cultivate supportive and enriching relationships. Come along and discover how to clear the path to financial freedom and personal success.

Closing the Gap: Desire versus Action in Achieving Self-Sufficiency

It is an intriguing paradox that most individuals strongly desire self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Yet, there must be a striking gap between what people want and what they do. Research, such as the one conducted by Dartmouth, highlights this phenomenon. While a significant majority of Americans yearn for the autonomy of being self-employed, a meager 6% embrace this path. So, why does this difference exist? Behind the entrepreneurial aspirations lies a palpable fear of taking personal responsibility and the risks associated with self-employment. If the journey were without hurdles, undoubtedly, many more would pursue the entrepreneurship dream. Yet, for most, the prospect of uncertainty and potential failure stifles the spirit of adventure and keeps them tethered to the security of traditional employment. Download and share this gif animation “The F-Words”

Unraveling The True Nature of Our Desire

Another layer to this predicament is the need to clarify what we think we want and what we truly desire. For instance, pursuing a higher income often cloaks the fundamental goal of financial independence — the freedom to enjoy and retain the fruits of one’s labor. Knowledge about small business owners’ advantages, like the potential to reduce their tax burden relative to traditional employees, could pivot one’s goals completely.

Delving deeper into the heart of our actions unveils a complex relationship between our subconscious desires and actual behavior. Indeed, humans can sometimes be illogical, driven not by clear-cut intentions but by hidden motifs and comfort zones. Even when claiming to aspire for wealth, happiness, or health, individuals often succumb to the ease of familiar patterns, possibly due to a fear of the unknown or ingrained negative beliefs. Examining the stark contrast between what one articulates as a desire and what one does can unveil profound truths about one’s true intentions and barriers that must be addressed to realize genuine change and progress.

Download the PDF of this infographic “The F-Words”


Overcoming the “F” Words: Frustration, Fear, and Financial Constraints

While navigating the road to self-employment, several “f” words emerge that could potentially derail aspirations. Frustration and fear often play critical roles in hindering our pursuit of entrepreneurship. The fear of the unknown, failure, or stepping out of the comfort zone can be overwhelming. Financial constraints, too, are legitimate concerns that must be considered and navigated meticulously.

Family, Friends, and Influence

Surprisingly, family and friends can also influence our pursuit of financial freedom. Although typically seen as a source of support, they may sometimes project their fears and uncertainties, causing additional emotional hurdles. However, these challenges are not roadblocks; they can serve as stepping stones to deeper understanding and solid preparation for the entrepreneurial journey.

Embracing the Final “F” Word: Financial Freedom

Despite the obstacles symbolized by the other “f” words, it is essential to remember the ultimate aim: financial freedom. The journey of transforming into what we have termed “Your Career 2.0” is rife with emotional upheaval and potential setbacks. Yet, the promise of liberation from the bindings of a battered career syndrome and the prospect of designing a life that aligns with one’s true desires and values can be the beacon that guides us through these challenges. The acknowledgment of freedom, both financial and existential, underscores the potency and allure of the entrepreneurial spirit, galvanizing individuals to wrestle with and overcome the barriers that stand between them and their envisioned future.

Transforming Frustration into Momentum

In the discourse on frustration, we find two distinct types: healthy and unhealthy. The latter, characterized by perpetual negativity and paralysis, is a destructive force that undermines our intentions and actions. However, healthy frustration serves a pivotal role as a catalyst for change. It ignites within us a resolve to envision and enact a different future.
Turning frustration into a constructive force requires recognizing it as a signal, pointing towards areas of our lives that demand attention and action. The transformative power of frustration lies in its ability to convert discontent into determination, driving us to defy the status quo and seek new avenues for growth.

It’s essential to:

• Acknowledge frustrations without allowing  them to control or impair judgment.

• Channel this energy into strategic planning and concrete action steps.

• Use frustration as a motivational tool to push beyond complacency.

Successful individuals recognize frustration not as an obstacle but as an impetus to propel themselves toward their goals.

Breaking Down the Walls of Fear

It is well-known that fear can imprison potential within the confines of comfort zones. The fear of change, the abstract terror of the unknown, and the paradoxical fear of success all play roles in stagnating progress. Confronting these fears is not merely an act of courage but also one of necessity if we aim to unlock the full spectrum of our capabilities.

Surmounting fear requires a multifaceted approach involving self-examination, reality checks, and a reframing of perceptions:

• Question the Validity of Your Fears: Ask yourself if the fears are a matter of life and death or mere exaggerations of the mind.

• Seek Out Truth Over Assumptions: Diligently search for facts and information to dispel myths and baseless anxieties.

• Embrace Discomfort: Remember that growth seldom occurs in the realm of comfort and that stepping out may lead to opportunities previously unseen.

Finally, it is crucial to address the nuanced fear of success, whereby people subconsciously sabotage their own progress due to a disconnect between their stated dreams and actions. Identifying and reconciling these inconsistencies allows us to move beyond self-imposed impediments to embrace the true potential that lies within.

The path to financial freedom becomes more apparent and the vision of “Your Career 2.0” forms into reality. The journey is undoubtedly challenging, but the destination—a life of self-determined success—is profoundly rewarding.

Leveraging Community and Relationships for Success

In the journey towards personal and professional fulfillment, the people we choose to include in our lives can play a crucial role. As the saying goes, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who inspire, challenge, and support us in our ambitions is vital. This does not mean discounting the importance of loved ones who might not understand our aspirations but rather enriching our circle with dream catchers—people who lift us and encourage us to pursue our goals.

Overcoming Financial Inhibitions

Finances can be a daunting barrier to pursuing our dreams, yet it is important to explore the options available. Developing a sound financial strategy that includes exploring various funding sources can set a solid foundation for your aspirations.
Refrain from limiting yourself to traditional loans or investments. Depending on your endeavor, research alternative funding solutions such as crowdfunding, grants, or venture capital. Understand the concept of Return on Investment (ROI) and be willing to invest in your education, skill acquisition, or startup costs, knowing it’s in service of your long-term vision. Collaborate with financial planners or advisors who can offer tailored advice on funding opportunities and effective management of financial resources.

Embracing the Role of Family and Friends

Distancing oneself from people who are not supportive is sometimes necessary; however, consider that inclusiveness can lead to mutual growth. When brought into your vision, family and friends can evolve from skeptics to allies. Regularly share your goals, progress, and insights with your loved ones. This helps them feel involved and can create a supportive base.
Use instances of misunderstanding to educate your family and friends about your dreams and the potential impact, helping them see the value in your ambitions. It’s okay to distance yourself politely and respectfully from negativity. Reinforce your boundaries with empathy, understanding that resistance often stems from concern or fear of the unknown.

Networking in Today’s World

The digital age has granted us unparalleled access to networks beyond our immediate physical reach. Join forums, social media groups, or digital platforms related to your interests. Active participation can lead to meaningful connections. Follow industry leaders on platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter. Engage with their content and take note of their advice, which can serve as virtual mentorship.

We can transform the landscape of our lives.

Recognizing the resources within and around us, from personal talents and unique perspectives to the inspiring presence of those who’ve traversed a similar path, can significantly empower one’s quest. As you incrementally align your environment with your ambitions, remember that every interaction can bring you closer to the manifestation of your most profound goals.

As we integrate these principles into our daily efforts to grow, we discover that every setback faced with courage, every resource garnered with persistence, and every relationship nurtured with sincerity augments our ability to achieve the extraordinary. It’s not just about personal gains but sharing the bounty of success and inspiration with others, as such generosity often cycles back to us in unforeseen ways. By taking control now, we join the ranks of those who not only dream but also do, and in doing so, we forge a reality that resonates with our deepest aspirations.

About Your Career Revolution

Your Career Revolution book coverOur mission is to help individuals explore self-sufficiency as an alternative career.

We help them define their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity goals and provide education on the best ways to achieve them. We don’t sell franchises – we help people achieve their dreams of self-sufficiency through business ownership. The approach is different, the experience is different. And it works.

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We dedicate this book to the tens of thousands of clients who have allowed us to guide them through their Journey of Discovery – courageous people who have made their dreams come true by taking the path less traveled. You inspire us every day. May you, the reader, also achieve your dreams and may this book empower you and assist you in your journey.

—The Entrepreneur’s Source Career Ownership Coaches


More about our host and featured experts:


Courtney Dyksterhouse. Our host is a former television reporter, producer, and anchor who finished her news career in the 11th-largest market in the nation before pursuing a career in acting, hosting, and writing. She’s had the privilege of hosting livestream and stage events for thousands, been a reoccurring guest on Youtube shows with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and has interviewed thought leaders including Dave Ramsey, Dr. Henry Cloud, Jocko Willink, Maneet Chauhan, Dr. Caroline Leaf, Jasmine Star, and Bernie Sanders, among others.

Tamara Loring. Chief of Brand Ideology for The Entrepreneur Source. For over 20 years I’ve had the great privilege to work with The Entrepreneur’s Source, helping Career Ownership Coaches launch and ramp up their businesses and equipping them with the tools and resources they need to coach those who have a strong to very strong desire to be self-sufficient. I believe everybody has a dream worthwhile pursuing and a coach can help you explore what is possible.

Marissa Frois. In my role as CEO, I bring my unique talents of organization, attention to detail, problem-solving and creativity to help implement our company goals and ideas throughout the organization. Additionally, I provide leadership and integration to create accountability and harmony to fuel the overall growth of our system.

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